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I was training a client in my studio this week and she looked in the mirror and compared herself (unfavorably) to me.

Now this really struck a chord with me- how many times do we compare ourselves to other people and end up feeling bad about ourselves? A lot right?

It seems to be human nature to compare ourselves- there will always be someone slimmer, fitter, stronger, faster, more successful, happier…you get the picture. The key is to look at these people and ADMIRE them- use them as INSPIRATION - not as a way of beating ourselves up.

Most of these people will have worked hard to be where they are- and most likely are still working to improve and be like the person THEY admire!

The truth about this lady is that she is already Awesome- why?

Reason #1 4 weeks ago this amazing lady was NOT in my gym working out with me but now she is- and that makes her Awesome!

Reason #2 4 weeks ago this amazing lady was not in ANY gym working out but now she is- and that makes her Awesome!

Reason #3 4 weeks ago this amazing lady set HER OWN fitness goals and a challenge- and that makes her Awesome!

So… She may have a way to go on her journey, but the fact is that she has STARTED and that's the message I want to give.

Yes- there will always be someone better than you, but YOU can be better than you were yesterday, last week,last year…be proud of where you are TODAY…and that will make you as Awesome as this lady.

Aim for progress. Set goals. Be kind to yourself. Use comparisons with other people to inspire you not deter or depress you. Go be AWESOME!

Love Donna x

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